GIANT Review #14

Clinatec: a unique facility for the advancement of medical technology
Jointly supported by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Grenoble-Alpes University Hospital (CHU-GA), Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and Fonds de Dotation Clinatec, Clinatec benefits from the world-class […]
Samples from the Ryugu asteroid studied in Grenoble
Launched in 2014 by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Hayabusa2 successfully returned samples from the Ryugu asteroid to Earth in 2020. Researchers from the Grenoble Institute of Planetary science […]
Interconnecting extended reality: locally, nationally and at the European level
The recent installation of a large-scale CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) has reinforced the extended reality technology of the VISION-R platform of G-SCOP – a multidisciplinary research laboratory jointly supported […]
Open-label placebos: harnessing the effect without the deception
There is increasing evidence suggesting that placebos remain effective, for example for the treatment of chronic pain, even when patients are aware that what they are receiving contains no active […]
Glasses: recent advances to understand a long-used material
Though glassmaking can be traced back to 3000 BCE, with evidence that naturally occurring glass was used as a tool even earlier, a basic understanding of many aspects of the […]
MOFs inspired by nature for environmental remediation
One of the focus areas of the Basque Center for Materials, Applications & Nanostructures (BCMaterials) in Bilbao is the development of materials and devices for environmental prevention, monitoring and remediation […]
EMBL Grenoble: advancing science through innovative technology
The Instrumentation Team at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Grenoble has worked for more than 30 years to support scientists through the development of advanced innovative technology. Early […]
Local collaboration for the analysis of ancient Egyptian papyrus
Unique insights into the composition of pigments used on ancient Egyptian papyrus fragments have been revealed by a complementary multi-technique approach implemented by researchers from the European Synchrotron (ESRF) and […]
Nicolas BEROUD
Nicolas Beroud, as Deputy Director of Agence Grenoble Alpes, works to highlight the attractiveness of living and working in Grenoble Alpes, tailoring support for companies and talent through his comprehensive […]
A GIANT transition to combat the climate and energy crisis
Human activities are the main cause of the steadily rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, which are directly linked to increasing average global temperature on Earth. Global […]