A vibrant international-caliber sci-tech ecosystem built on a strong history of innovation
Grenoble, France is one of the world’s leading innovation ecosystems. From the 19th century to the present day, the city’s long-standing tradition of partnerships between research, higher education, and industry has helped shape the emergence of hydroelectricity, industry-transforming developments in mechanical engineering, and advances in nanotechnologies.
In 2009, the GIANT Innovation Campus was established by eight world-leading founding members with a shared vision. Since then, they have been working together to:
- Respond to the societal challenges of information technology and digital transformation, energy and sustainable development, and healthcare and the medicine of the future.
- Develop centers of excellence addressing key enabling technologies:
- MINATEC, driving advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
- GREEN, developing tomorrow’s energy
- NANOBIO, innovating in health and life sciences
- Remake the urban landscape and create a campus which, together, will provide 40,000 users and residents with a high-quality environment whose hallmarks are sustainable urban development and access to natural areas.
This is the genesis of Grenoble’s world-class innovation campus, GIANT (Grenoble Innovation for Advanced New Technologies).
The success of GIANT’s applied centers of excellence lays both on the close links with research and on interactions with experts who develop new economic models :
Regarding basic research, the presence of EPN Science Campus is a real asset for GIANT. This entity regroups the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). The EPN Science Campus makes state-of-the-art equipment available for companies and for the international scientific community.
GIANT also includes great institutes specialized in nanosciences, nanotechnologies, cryogenics, matter and materials sciences, or biology, such as the CNRS or the CEA.
Last but not least, GIANT benefits from the presence of renowned schools like Université Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP-UGA, as well as one of the most dynamic Business Schools in Europe, Grenoble Ecole de Management. All of them offer many national and international programs.

The GIANT campus, an unparalleled environment invented to serve society
With state-of-the-art scientific research facilities, some of the best minds in science and technology, and a highly-qualified and very international workforce, GIANT is one of the world’s premier innovation campuses.
The campus and immediate vicinity are home to a wide range of stakeholders and potential partners, and GIANT’s unique and particularly efficient model engages them in driving technology and innovation for today’s society and for the future. In addition to GIANT’s many scientists, students, industrial companies, and service businesses, the campus is also home to residential real estate, shops, and other amenities that make it a living lab.